May cause dizziness, sexual nightmares, and sleep crime

Posts tagged “DAMN

60 Foot Rope Swing Triple Backflip

That’s the type of cliff action I’m talking about.

Last Photo

This was the last photo taken by Michio Hoshino, a nature photographer who specialized in Alaskan wildlife. He was killed by this brown bear in Russia on assignment in 1996.

Surfing Magazine August 2010 Trailer

Damn. That huge wave in the beginning looks like a death trap.



Dude can get up!




I don’t know if there is an official name for this sport, but in involves a winch and a wakeboard with no straps. Most of the hybrid sports (like mountain boarding) are kind of garbage in my opinion, but this is pretty rad. The only annoying part is walking the tow line back up…

Freakishly Strong 5 Year Old

Giuliano Stroe has six-pack abs before turning six years old. And he’s also in the Guinness Book of World Records before he can probably even read it.

Though it’s highly unusual (and possibly unhealthy) for a child to start weight training at such a young age, the pre-schooler entered the record books earlier this year after completing the fastest ever 10-meter walk with a weight ball between the legs, which is both both highly impressive and highly specific. Since then, a four-minute video of Stroe has hit the Internet and made him a viral sensation.

It looks like a training montage from a Rocky movie, minus the Survivor soundtrack. (And, interestingly, Guiliano Stroe is almost the same size as Sylvester Stallone.)

Thanks to Josh for the heads up!

Blake Griffin is a Beast

I can’t tell you how excited I am now that I can watch basketball instead of College Football and Baseball.

Blake Griffin = 2009/2010 Rookie of the Year

Police Line: Do Not Cross

Diplo… I Can’t Feel My Feet

Videos and pictures coming soon. I’m pretty sure one.five.nine will be sending me his photos as well, but I’m not 100% sure yet.

Props to Scotty for getting this photo!

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