May cause dizziness, sexual nightmares, and sleep crime


She’s Got a Point

Amazing Carved Pumpkins






Ohio State: Red Bull Tum Tum Pa

So, some dudes from the OSU drumline have entered a video to the Red Bull Tum Tum Pa contest.  Basically it’s a freestyle drum competition where they could only use commercial teaching/office supplies. The top 5 participants from Amurka get sent to Brazil by Red Bull to compete in the World competition. This is where you all come in, watch the video and vote for them so these boys can go to Brazil.  I’ll be acting as manager in order to get a free ticket to the beach (doubt it) WATCH below and VOTE {HERE}, you can sort by entries or school name etc.


It is Now Illegal to be Fat in Japan

33′ waistline is the max. Sorry Kareem, you don’t make the cut.

Thanks to Josh for the video!

This is why you’re fat

Cheese Pizza
Baconator from Wendy’s
Wendy’s french fries
6 Chicken McNuggets
Popcorn Chicken from KFC
Big Mac from McDonalds
Crunch wrap supreme
+  Onion rings from A&W

5,210 calories and 286g fat


Antoine Dodson Cake

So bad, but so good?

Food Crime

The King of Beers

Scotland-based brewery BrewDog previously made waves with Tactical Nuclear Penguin, the world’s strongest beer at 32%. They are back with an amazing creation called “The End of History” coming in at an astonishing 55% ABV.

“This blond Belgian ale is infused with nettles from the Scottish Highlands and Fresh juniper berries. Only 12 bottles have been made and each comes with its own certificate and is presented in a stuffed stoat or grey squirrel. The striking packaging was created by a very talented taxidermist and all the animals used were road kill.”

End of History is currently sold out, but you can check out some of their other creations out at their website.

Footlong cheeseburgers?

I’m not sure I wanna eat frog legs anymore

Salting frogs legs turns them in to the WB frog…

Lamar Odom: The Candy Man

“You only live once. Eat as much candy as you can eat.”

I wish I had this dudes life.

Pizza Cone

This is the only way for me to eat pizza now.

Bigga What? Bigga Who? BIGGA PEAS.

When Food Fights Back


Videos like this make me really, really excited to be a father.


White Castle Scented Candles — COP A CRAVE CASE

It looks like White Castle is now competing with White Barn and Yankee Candles. They have released their own candle that is guaranteed to make your house smell like a Crave Case. The onion scented candles were developed by Laura Slatkin, also known as the “Queen of home fragrances.

Some have described he smell as a “steam-grilled-on-a-bed-of-onions scent of America’s first fast-food hamburger.” Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth.

Ordering just one of these candles is considered “lightweight.” A true White Castle Warrior goes with a crave case. The problem is they are $10 a piece = $300. The good news is that all the proceeds go to charity.

The link on the company page is dead so you’ll have to find these at your local Spencer’s or Waterbeds’n’Stuff.

Props to Shawn for the info!

Cupcake Cannon

Things I like in this video:

  1. People getting hit in the face
  2. Slow motion
  3. cupcakes
  4. icing warpaint
  5. cupcakes

Most Depressing Cookbook

How did she make that milkshake in the microwave?!?

How Many of You Remember These?

The Power of Preservatives!!!

From the looks of these pictures, you can see that the Happy Meal hasn’t changed much in the past year. The buns are still flat, the fries look delicious (come on, you know you LOVE McDonalds’s fries), and the hamburger patty leaves something to be desired.

But these aren’t pictures of different Happy Meals. These pictures are of the SAME EXACT HAPPY MEAL left out on a counter for 365 days. No mold, no bugs, no nothing. The food still looks moist! Disgusting. Here are some excerpts from the article.

Joann Bruso said: ‘Food is supposed to decompose, go bad and smell foul eventually. The fact that it has not decomposed shows you how unhealthy it is for children.’

Mrs Bruso left the Happy Meal uncovered on a shelf at her home near Denver, Colorado, to see what would happen. She has revealed the results on her blog, in which she gives healthy eating advice to parents.

She said: ‘I had the windows open many times, but flies and other insects just ignored the Happy Meal. What does that tell you, if they can’t be bothered with it? Food is broken down into its essential nutrients in our bodies and turned into fuel. Our children grow strong bodies when they eat real food.

‘If flies ignore a Happy Meal and microbes don’t decompose it, then your child’s body can’t properly metabolise it either. Now you know why it’s called junk food.’

Thanks to Debbie for the link!

“Every so often you come across something so gay that your mind is blown. Saw this in a charity shop.”

Best Bandaids Ever

via Grubersauce

Conan O’Brien Portrait Made out of Cheetos

Artwork made entirely with Cheetos (and a little glue). Over 50 bags of different flavors used to sort different colors, sizes, and shapes. Nearly 2,000 individual Cheetos are used to create the portrait, all held into place with a little glue and varnish.

The end result is impressive to say the least.

CJ Loves Big Macs

Over the past few years CJ has made a name for himself as one of the best DJ’s in Columbus.

Not only is he a good DJ, he loves Big Macs.