May cause dizziness, sexual nightmares, and sleep crime

Girl Talk Tonight @ Abercrombie & Fitch Holiday Party

While other companies are making major layoffs and cancelling their holiday parties and bonuses, Abercrombie & Fitch steps up and throws one of the biggest holiday parties in Columbus and books Girl Talk as the musical act. I would like to personally thank Young Zach for hooking me up with a ticket. Don’t forget Girl Talk is performing January 17th @ The Newport and a whole gang of us are going to get your tickets before it sells out.

One response

  1. that’s pretty fucking awesome. maybe i shouldn’t have ditched my job with limited brands so soon.

    tickets for the newport show were still available as of two days ago when i bought my tickets, f.y.i.

    December 14, 2008 at 4:13 am

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